UCLA academic calendar 2023-24
Your guide to the 2023-24 school year
The annual UCLA academic calendar 2023-24 is an overview of the most important dates for the school year. To view the UCLA academic calendar 2023-24, download the calendar as a PDF or visit the UCLA annual academic calendar webpage, which is available through the link below.
The UCLA academic calendar 2023-24 includes information on the start and end of instruction for each quarter, school holidays, final examination dates and more. The annual calendar is a helpful reference for all, from family members planning a vacation to students looking for an appropriate start date for an internship.
For those who like to plan far ahead, annual calendars for the next five years are available on the UCLA annual academic calendar webpage linked above. Past annual calendars dating back to the 1999-2000 school year are also available in the calendar archive.
While the annual UCLA academic calendar 2023-24 is a general summary of the school year’s events, there are three other calendars that provide further information: the term calendar, professional school calendars and summer session calendar.
Term calendar
The term calendar is similar to the annual calendar, but it contains more detailed dates and deadlines such as enrollment appointments, financial aid deadlines and registration fee deadlines. Because several events and deadlines repeat every quarter, this calendar is arranged into a table to show the dates for each quarter.
The term calendar is available through the link below.
Professional school calendars
While most UCLA schools follow the same quarter system schedule, three professional schools each have their own schedules: the UCLA School of Dentistry, School of Law and David Geffen School of Medicine. Each of these schools has its own distinct calendar, which is available through the link below.
Summer session calendar
UCLA offers summer classes in nine sessions that differ in length. The summer session calendar lists the nine sessions and their respective start and end dates in a clear table.
Access the summer session calendar through the link below.