This building is operated by Associated Students UCLA (ASUCLA) and is one of several Student Union buildings on campus. The primary purpose of our Student Union buildings is to serve the needs of UCLA students, faculty, and staff. We are also here to serve the needs of visitors and guests. The Student Union is not a public facility and ASUCLA reserves the right to request that users produce a valid form of identification in areas that are reserved for students, faculty, and staff.
The use of space and seating, including the use of meeting rooms, game rooms, lounges, dining facilities, restrooms, tables, chairs, sofas, computers, printers, and the like, within the Student Union shall be confined to the purpose(s) for which the space and property are designed and equipped.
All individuals who use the Student Union and its facilities are expected to know and adhere to established building policies, UCLA policies, ASUCLA policies the UCLA Student Conduct Code, as well as federal, state, and local law at all times. The Student Union does not tolerate behavior by any person that keeps others from using and enjoying its resources. In an effort to ensure a pleasant, productive, and reasonable environment for all, patrons of the Student Union shall observe applicable rules, including but not limited to:
Proper Use of Facilities
Individuals and groups using any spaces are responsible for the proper use of the facility, furniture, and equipment. Furniture and equipment may not be moved except as authorized by ASUCLA staff. Any willful or careless damage to ASUCLA property will be billed to the person(s) responsible and they may be subject to loss of facility usage privileges.
Interference with Peaceful Conduct
Patrons are prohibited from engaging in intimidating, harassing, discriminatory, threatening, or violent behavior that interferes with an individual’s legal rights of movement or expression, or behavior that disrupts our staff’s ability to provide services. Activity that interferes with ASUCLA processes or endangers the health and safety of other patrons within the building is prohibited. Engaging in such activity may result in loss of future access to the facility.
Remaining in the This Facility
Individuals other than students, faculty and staff with prior permission are prohibited from being in this facility prior to its opening or remaining in the facility after closing. When requested to leave, including for emergencies and drills, individuals will do so immediately.
Camping & Sleeping
Camping and excessive sleeping in and around this facility are prohibited. For purposes of this policy, “camping” includes sleeping for an extended period of time (not including incidental napping of 60-minutes or less), sleeping on the floor, or sprawling out with one’s belongings; excessive use of seating or space that interferes with priority usage for students, faculty, or staff; use of bedrolls, blankets and other such covering; storing personal belongings; carrying on cooking activities; and other similar behavior that amounts to using the seating or space as a temporary shelter or living quarters.
Personal and Unattended Property
ASUCLA is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal property belonging to users of the facility. Patrons are prohibited from leaving unattended any bags, backpacks or other personal items in this facility. Unattended bags, packages and personal items present security risks, and are subject to confiscation.
Restroom Use
Restroom use shall not create a safety or health hazard for other users. No person shall use the restrooms in this facility for the purposes of bathing, showering, cutting hair, or for more than casual grooming. Restrooms are not to be used for washing personal belongings.
Solicitation of a commercial nature; distribution of handbills, pamphlets, and similar materials; and selling of goods or services in this facility are prohibited unless these activities have been previously approved and scheduled by the appropriate personnel. No person shall engage in any form of panhandling in this facility.
It is prohibited for anyone to have weapons within ASUCLA facilities, except for law enforcement officers.
The primary goal of ASUCLA staff is to maintain a positive, safe, and secure environment for all users. The rules set forth above will be enforced as follows:
Any individual in this facility who reasonably appears to violate any of the rules may be approached and questioned by ASUCLA staff or safety personnel.
Individual(s) will be asked to produce a UCLA ID.
Non-UCLA guests will be asked to share what business brings them to a Student Union building. Acceptable (legitimate) business purposes include:
Being a guest of and accompanied by a UCLA student, UCLA faculty, or a UCLA or ASUCLA staff member.
Attending an appointment within an office or facility within the Student Union.
Actively using any of the point-of-sale services (e.g., bookstore, restaurants, credit unions, pharmacy, optometry center).
Making deliveries or providing services within the facility.
Touring the facility (and campus) as a prospective student/family.
Attending an event in the facility that is open to the non-UCLA-affiliated public.
If an individual who reasonably appears to violate any of the rules is unable to establish that they are a UCLA student, UCLA faculty, or UCLA or ASUCLA staff member, and they also fail to provide an acceptable business purpose, they may be asked to leave.
Any UCLA community member (UCLA student, UCLA faculty, or UCLA or ASUCLA staff member) who violates these rules will also be disciplined in accordance with applicable University policies and procedures. Any UCLA community members who violate these rules may also be subject to criminal sanctions and penalties. Persons who are not members of the UCLA community and who violate these policies will be subject to criminal sanctions and penalties, which may include removal from the Student Union and possibly the UCLA campus.