At ASUCLA, we strive to offer exceptional service that's thoughtful, genuine and made with your individual needs in mind. Come explore an inclusive and supportive environment where every customer is treated with respect and compassion.
ASUCLA service standards
We offer an unrivaled guest experience by using positive body language, empathy and unwavering patience toward each and every customer and colleague.
We strive to deliver consistent goods and services to our constituents that make us a partner in their initiatives.
We have unrivaled knowledge of our goods and services which allows us to tailor your order to fit your needs now and in the future. We want to be your provider of choice.
We are available to you before, during and after the customer service experience. We want to ensure you and your business have your needs met and that we exceed your expectations.
We provide our guests and colleagues an unmatched customer service experience through attention to detail by listening to their wants and needs.
We strive to meet deadlines to allow you to achieve optimal efficiencies in your business or department. Your success is our success.
Preparation before interactions
Greet guests and colleagues with friendly and empathetic greetings
Communicate clearly. Speak in a calm tone. Allow your customer or colleague time to ask questions after you speak
Keep your public space clean and organized
Ensure name badges are worn when you are on duty and always when in our public spaces
Place electronic devices on silent mode and never use them when engaging a customer or colleague, unless it is to assist with the interaction
Prepare to engage in conversation by practicing prior to interaction. Smile and make initial eye contact
In-person interactions
Find a solution
Dealing with difficult customers

Articles on customer service
The state of customer care in 2022
July 8, 2022 | Article
What is customer service? Definition & best practices
July 7, 2023 | Article
Ten ways to rock the customer experience in 2023
January 1, 2023 | Article
The social media customer service metrics that experts measure
December 21, 2023 | Article
If you have a question or comment you would like addressed, email us at: talk2us@asucla.ucla.edu