ASUCLA Services
We appreciate your business!
One of our core missions as a student- centered organization is exemplified in the professional development of our student employees. ASUCLA employs thousands of students each year in a wide variety of positions at convenient locations around campus. Flexible hours tailored to student schedules, a fast track to management, and employee discounts are just some of the benefits students receive working for ASUCLA.
ASUCLA Marketing
ASUCLA carefully and intentionally selects advertising partners whose services are consistent with our brand’s goals. Our purpose is to create value that benefits students, faculty, staff, and the entire UCLA community.
UCLA’s premier photography service for portraits and events, UCLA photo archives with over millions of negatives dating back to the early 1900s
x48800, marketing@asucla.ucla.edu
x48800, marketing@asucla.ucla.edu
On-campus Marketing and sponsorship opportunities, print design, digital design and video production services.
UCLA Trademarks & Licensing
Oversees UCLA licensed vendors authorized to produce products bearing the UCLA name and related trademarks.
UCLA Trademarks and Licensing
Bonita Alford | Campus Sourcing Manager
x48851, uclatm@asucla.ucla.edu
UCLA Store Services
Computer Store
Computer hardware, peripherals, accessories, electronics, and troubleshooting/repair services. Special orders available for custom configurations and unique requirements.
Janet Chou | Computer Store Manager
x56952, jchou@asucla.ucla.edu
General Books
Author signings, special events, and departmental orders
Juwon Yang | BookZone Buyer/ Manager
x64041, jyang@asucla.ucla.edu
Office and School Supplies
Office and school supplies, bulk orders, UCLA folders and journals
UCLA Apparel and Gifts
Bulk orders, apparel and gifts, and special events
Tony Vallejo | Apparel and Accessories Operations Manager
x61442, avallejo@asucla.ucla.edu
Graduation Items and Campus Photo Studio
Graduation Etc.
Graduation apparel rentals and sales, portrait packages, head shots and passport photos
Scott Quintard | Graduation Etc. Manager
x62884, squintard@asucla.ucla.edu
Printing Services
Self-service printing stations, 35 locations throughout campus
BruinPrint kiosks
Yaneth Munguia | Briun Custom PrintManager
x52831, ymunguia@asucla.ucla.edu , www.bruinprint.com
Custom items, embroidered uniforms, poster printing, promotional products, custom websites and graphic design services
Custom and Promotional Products
Bruin Custom Print
Yaneth Munguia | Briun Custom PrintManager
x52831, ymunguia@asucla.ucla.edu , www.bruinprint.com
Academic Support Services and Materials
Textbooks, Ackerman Union
Textbook requisitions and inquiries
Scott Chapman | Book Division Manager
x52827, schapman@asucla.ucla.edu
Course Readers
UCLA Course Reader Solutions
Custom print and digital course readers, Bruin Learn integration, copyright clearance
Yaneth Munguia | Course Reader Solutions Manager
x52831, ymunguia@asucla.ucla.edu
Textbooks, Lu Valle Commons Store
Textbooks requisitions for UCLA Extension, Graduate and Professional schools, general books
Edward Cooper | Textbooks Customer Services Manager
x60917, ecooper@asucla.ucla.edu
Textbooks, Health Sciences Store
Textbooks requisitions for Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, and Public Health
Linda Lopez | Academic Material Department Manager
x60915, hsstext@asucla.ucla.edu
Medical & Dental Equip., Health Sciences Store
Medical and Dental Supplies
Medical and dental supplies, lab supplies, equipment, & PPE
x60915 , hsstext@asucla.ucla.edu
Juwon Yang | Essentials Buyer
x64041, jyang@asucla.ucla.edu
Snacks, candy, non-emblematic gifts & hydration. Bulk orders of drinks and pre-packaged foods & snacks. Care-Packs. Accepts Calfresh
Jose Quiroz | Market Division Manager/ Buyer
x60823, jquiroz@asucla.ucla.edu
ASUCLA Food Services and Catering
ASUCLA Catering
Catering for campus events
Matt Matsuno | Catering Manager
x60735, catering@asucla.ucla.edu
ASUCLA Restaurants
General inquiries, restaurant coupons
Laura Ortiz | Restaurant Operations Manager
x60747, restops@asucla.ucla.edu
UCLA Student Union Services
Event Services
ASUCLA Event Services
Event venue and meeting room reservations
Marisa Osborne | Student Union Events and Building Operations Manager
x60832, reserve@asucla.ucla.edu
ASUCLA Student Union
Student programming resources and co-programming opportunities
Mary Romo | Programming Manager
x67079, mromo@asucla.ucla.edu
US Postal Office
Post Office Express
Posting, mailing products, domestic and international mail services, USPS prepaid return drop-off location
Yamily Barthel-Sanchez | Student Union Operations Manager
x65596, ybarthel@asucla.ucla.edu
Student Media
Daily Bruin Advertising
Jeremy Wildman | Student Media Marketing, Sales, Ad Manager
x52161, jwildman@asucla.ucla.edu