Supporting veterans with Operation Hat Trick

In honor of those who have served and continue to serve in the U.S. Armed Forces, the UCLA Store is releasing another UCLA x Operation Hat Trick (OHT) collection to generate awareness and support for the recovery of wounded service members and veterans. A portion of UCLA x OHT branded merchandise sales will go to organizations that support veterans, like the UCLA Veteran Resource Center (VRC).

Keep reading for more about OHT and how it supports veterans not only at UCLA, but across the country.

The 2023 UCLA x OHT collection features military-inspired athletic quarter-zips, knit beanies, baseball caps and more. Each piece in the collection is branded with the UCLA and OHT logos, as well as an American flag patch. Check out the collection at the UCLA Store or online through the link below.

OHT funds raised through the sale of branded merchandise support a variety of programs and organizations. Emily Ives, director of the UCLA VRC, said in a 2022 ASUCLA press release that donors like OHT allow veterans at UCLA to have access to art appreciation events, cooking lessons and community-building programs that support veterans’ health and wellness through the UCLA VRC. For more information on UCLA Veteran Resource Center events, click the button below.

Beyond UCLA, OHT produces co-branded apparel and merchandise in conjunction with over 500 American colleges and universities, as well over 100 professional and minor league sports teams, according to the OHT website. With the royalties generated through the sale of OHT merchandise, the organization has been able to donate over $4.5 million since 2014, supporting countless American service members as they work through their trauma and relearn civilian life.

ASUCLA proudly supports the OHT initiative and veterans at UCLA through its licensing and retail operations, and recognizes the sacrifices made by all who served in honor of Veterans Day. 


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