UCLA zip code

Not one, but two – a guide for when to use each zip code

The UCLA zip code is different depending on the campus buildings: it’s either 90025 or 90095. 

If you’re a student trying to send your package, or a faculty member who needs something delivered to your office, you might be wondering which zip code to use. These are some general rules:

The zip code is 90025 for residence halls on The Hill and UCLA Extension. If you’re a student living on The Hill and you’re trying to ship an online order to yourself, you would use this UCLA zip code. Remember to format your address in accordance with the UCLA address standards:

Joe Bruin (name)

UCLA Department or Residence Hall (department or residence hall name)

5555 Campus Hall (box, if available, and campus location or street address)

Los Angeles, CA 90024 (city, state, ZIP code)

On the flip side, if you’re faculty trying to order mail to your department’s office, use a United States Postal Service (USPS) "ZIP + four" code. The “ZIP” part refers to the second UCLA zip code, 90095. The “+ four” code is the first four digits of the department’s mail code, which you can easily find by searching “UCLA,” the department name and “contact.” For example, the mail code for the UCLA political science department is 147203. If you were to send mail to someone in the UCLA political science department, the zip code would be 90095-1472.

You will also need to use your department’s mail code in the box number, which is required for all units that use the 90095 zip code. The box number is similar to the mail code: all it is, is 95 plus the first four digits of the campus mail code. For example, the UCLA political science department has a mail code of 147203, so it would have a box code of 951472.

Then, format your address in accordance with the UCLA address standards:

Joe Bruin (name)

UCLA Department (department name)

Box 951234, 5555 Campus Hall (box, if available, and campus address)

Los Angeles, CA 90095-1234 (city, state, ZIP+4 code)

There are a few special cases; Wilshire Center, for instance, uses both zip codes. So before you send anything, click the button below to ensure you have the correct receiving address format, making sure you or your Bruin receives the delivery in the right place.

If you are on or near campus, please visit the UCLA Post Office, located on the A-Level of Ackerman Student Union. For operational hours visit the button below.


UCLA zip code


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