A look forward into 2024

A photograph of bright golden and blue fireworks against a pitch black sky. Below the fireworks, lights from the city below are vaguely visible.

Happy New Year, Bruins! The year 2024 is going to bring great athletic games, UCLA student art showcases, UCLA Store deals, new Bruins to the UCLA campus, and so much more. There’s plenty to be excited about this upcoming year!

Keep reading for 2024 UCLA events to look forward to.

UCLA has a multitude of events that students can enjoy alongside their academic endeavors. Spring season collegiate sports like gymnastics, baseball and beach volleyball are starting up in January, so catch a home game and cheer the Bruins on! Plus, according to UCLA Athletics, UCLA students can attend any UCLA game (aside from football or men’s basketball games) for free with their BruinCard, so take advantage of the free games while you can.

For those who love the arts, check out the many art exhibitions and concerts from student artists at UCLA. For example, the Winter Undergraduate Composers Concert on Feb. 13 will showcase original pieces from UCLA student composers — maybe the next John Williams is among them!

A full list of UCLA events is available through the UCLA Community website, linked in the button below.

Aside from the engaging programming throughout the year, the UCLA Store also has several big sales throughout the year. Keep an eye out for great deals especially around Valentine’s Day, the beginning of spring quarter and the back-to-school period in September, when the UCLA Store hosts its biggest sales. 

Arguably the most exciting part of a new year, however, is the new Bruins that join the campus. Bruin Day, which welcomes new UCLA admits, will take place in April and May for new freshmen and transfer students respectively.

Happy New Year to all Bruins, from ASUCLA!


Start the year off healthy, Bruins!


First snow on UCLA campus