The Student Union Event Fund was established in the 1973-74 fiscal year by the ASUCLA Board of Directors. Student Union Event Fund (hereafter referred to as SUE Fund) was designed as a funding source to encourage student programming within the Student Union.

Any student organization registered with UCLA’s Student Organizations, Leadership & Engagement (SOLE) office qualifies for SUE Fund. The event must be initiated, planned, and produced by the sponsoring student organization; SUE Fund will not fund events for University Departments, off-campus organizations, or Non-Student University Organizations registered with the SOLE office.

2020-2021 Deadlines

The 2020-2021 deadlines for ASUCLA Student Union Event Fund applications are listed below:

The online application is due four weeks prior to the date of your event. For weekend events (Saturday and Sunday) applications are due by 5pm Friday.

(Deadlines are currently flexible due to COVID restrictions).

Student Union Event Funding is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis according to the application submission.

Notifications for Student Union Event Fund approval or denial will be emailed from the Reservation’s desk two to three weeks prior to the event date.

For additional information on ASUCLA Student Union Event Fund, refer to the Student Union Event Fund Guidelines. Thanks for programming with Student Union Event Services!

Apply for Student Union Event Fund

Other Funding


ASUCLA Student Union Event Fund Guidelines (62k PDF)
Event Services Planning Worksheet (49k PDF)