Press Releases
UCLA Store furthers food accessibility on campus as third storefront begins to accept CalFresh for food, groceries
The LuValle Commons Store is the third UCLA Store location to begin accepting the federal food assistance benefits for redemption of food and groceries.
Haunt the savings at the UCLA Store’s 46th annual Monster Sale
No tricks, just treats — the 46th annual Monster Sale opens at 8 a.m. on Oct. 25 at the UCLA Store for savings on BearWear, technology accessories, supplies and more.
Milk tea now at LuValle Commons Store through Mycha
The Mycha milk tea ATM was installed at the LuValle Commons Store in early September and is now serving fresh, on-demand brews of milk tea, fruit tea and specialty beverages.
Bear Your Heart at the UCLA Store’s first sale of the year
Kicking off the season of love, join the UCLA Store’s Bear Your Heart in-store sale on Feb. 9 to save 20% off of UCLA apparel, gifts and more, and 33% off of already marked clearance items.