All requests for donations submitted to Associated Students UCLA and the UCLA Store are given serious consideration. For transparency and consistency, here is an overview of the guidelines followed by the ASUCLA Board of Directors in granting donation requests. If you have questions or feedback, please email the ASUCLA Executive Director’s Office at

We consider in-kind donation requests from:

  • UCLA Student Groups

  • University departments programming student-related events wherein students will be the majority of attendees, and

  • K-12 schools and groups.

UCLA Student Groups and university departments meeting the above eligibility will be granted in-kind donations based upon the in-kind donation guidelines set forth below. K-12 schools and groups will only be provided with UCLA information packets and pennants. (Due to NCAA regulations, we are unable to fulfill requests that would benefit students in grades 9-12. This includes all high school auctions and events).

The Association will consider requests for promotional support for fundraising drives on a case by case basis based upon the promotional support guidelines set forth below.

The Association will consider requests from eligible UCLA Student groups within the following parameters:

The Association will give priority consideration to eligible groups that 1) are not able to secure funding through the Student Union Event Fund, Interaction Fund, or any other campus fund, 2) are engaged in activities, programs, conferences, and other events that are focused primarily on the educational development of students, 3) have not received donations from ASUCLA in the past, and 4) are programming a non-annual, student-related event.

  • The average retail value of the in-kind donation does not significantly exceed $200 per group.

  • Any merchandise being used as raffle and door prizes must be awarded to current UCLA students.

  • Eligible groups may only apply for and receive a donation once per quarter.

  • The Association will not be able to consider additional requests once the maximum quarter and annual budget amounts are reached. Any exigent exceptions will need majority Board approval. All requests must be submitted to the Executive Director’s Office. Eligible groups will need to complete a Donation Request Form that includes contact details, scope of the organization applying, and details about the initiative.

  • Donation Request Forms must be submitted at least four weeks prior to the date for which the donation is needed.

Please download the PDF above and email your request to:

  • As a student-funded and self-supporting Association, the revenues generated from the Services & Enterprises entity are used to provide and support a diversified array of programming by prioritizing student-run, student-initiated, student-centered programming that reflects the needs of the campus community in order to enhance educational, cultural, and developmental social interaction; as well as to provide an outstanding level of support to student government, student groups, and student programs through state-of-the-art office and community spaces, and by providing adequate financial resources and personnel to ensure an active and vibrant campus life.

    In addition to direct support for student groups and student programming through the Student Union Event Fund and the Interaction Fund, the Association remains committed to supporting the needs and concerns of the UCLA community. As stewards of the UCLA Store, UCLA Restaurants, and ASUCLA Catering, the Association recognizes its capacity for in-kind support. Each year the Association receives hundreds of requests for in-kind donations. In-kind donations usually include food and beverages for meetings and events and retail items to be used as giveaways and raffle prizes. Occasionally the Association also receives requests for promotional support for fundraising drives being coordinated by campus organizations. These requests are usually to promote public charity programs, to contribute to private foundations, and to aid disaster relief efforts. These requests are rarely considered and when they are it is usually as a result of exigent events.

    Because the Association receives an overwhelming number of requests, it is not possible to accommodate all of them. This policy provides guidelines and a process for responding to the many requests the Association receives each academic year. Each request will be reviewed carefully within the provisions of this policy; however, not all requests can be granted. Further, the amount accommodated each year is subject to change based upon fiscal soundness.


    It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Director's Office to provide an initial review and vetting of requests on behalf of the Association. The Board authorizes the Executive Director to grant or deny requests that fall within the guidelines outlined in this policy. The Executive Director will forward to the Executive Committee any requests that do not fall within the provisions herein that warrant further consideration. Requests requiring further Board input shall be brought to the attention of the Board.


    The Association will only consider in-kind donation requests from:

    Student organizations, University departments programming student-related events wherein students will be the majority of attendees, and K-12 schools and groups.

    Student organizations and university departments meeting the above eligibility will be granted in-kind donations based upon the in-kind donation guidelines set forth below. K-12 schools and groups will only be provided with UCLA information packets and pennants. The Association will consider requests for promotional support for fundraising drives on a case by case basis based upon the promotional support guidelines set forth below.


    The Association will consider requests from eligible groups within the following parameters:

    • The Association will give priority consideration to eligible groups that 1) are not able to secure funding through the Student Union Event Fund, Interaction Fund, or any other campus fund, 2) are engaged in activities, programs, conferences, and other events that are focused primarily on the educational development of students, 3) have not received donations from ASUCLA in the past, and 4) are programming a non-annual, student related event.

    The Association offers $5000 total contribution in the retail value of food, non-alcoholic beverages, and merchandise per quarter to be distributed on a monthly basis.

    • The average retail value of the in-kind donation does not significantly exceed $200 per group.

    • Any merchandise being used as raffle and door prizes must be awarded to current UCLA students.

    • Eligible groups may only apply for and receive a donation once per quarter.

    The Association will not be able to consider additional requests once the maximum quarter and annual amounts are reached. Any exigent exceptions will need majority Board approval.

    All requests must be submitted to the Executive Director's Office. Eligible groups will need to complete a "Donation Request Form" that includes contact details, scope of the organization applying, and details about the initiative.


    Requests for promotional support for fundraising drives that warrant further consideration will comprise the following criteria:

    • The endeavor aligns with ASUCLA's Campus Partnerships and The Greater Good core values.

    • There is extensive coordination of fundraising efforts by the student community.

    • The support provided by the Association will offer added value in products, sales, and raising awareness to the larger university community and is additive to fundraising efforts already underway by the coordinating group.

    • The duration of the promotional support will not be greater than one week.

    • The monetary proceeds will derive from a negotiated percentage of sales revenue from specialized merchandise or opt-in customer contributions from a negotiated ASUCLA retail operation(s). The Board's standard practice is not to give direct cash contributions.

    • The organization receiving monetary proceeds is an established 501(c)3.

    The Executive Committee will review requests that warrant further consideration and forward to the Board any requests that require broader Board input. ASUCLA Executive Management will draft the operational details for implementing the promotional support and present them to the Board for review.

    Any contributions of monetary proceeds will require majority approval from the Board. The provisions in the ASUCLA Policy on Donation Requests may be amended as needed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors to align with the future mission, scope, and financial conditions of the Association.



Associated Students UCLA supports the UCLA community in upholding a tradition of service and giving.

The donation box on A-level of Ackerman Union provides an opportunity for students, faculty, staff, and visitors to raise awareness and donations for causes of local or global concern.

United Way Greater Los Angeles on how your donation helps